“Good Night Old Man Jeffrey…”

Organizing Life

Friday night – the moment some have been anticipating since Monday post lunch coma. We are all excited for the opportunity to do what TGIF entails – happy hour with friends, a late night movie, a chance to head out of town.

I chose my Friday to organize life. After deflecting invites for drinks and dinners, I plopped down for a selfish night of me time – a night involving the gym, a prolonged shower that environmentalists would chastise me for, learning about livestock feed made of farmed insects, discovering the Amazon of Personal Services (check the startup out, its cool), among others on my ever growing Evernote to do list.

I always wondered how strange it sounded to others when I had to explain that I always needed to carve out time to organize life. Jam-packed days of Friday-esque activities is my lifestyle – Mondays after the after lunch lulls, Wednesday 10pm. Often, I fully believe that this 1990 JC model is going to run into some problems, whether mechanical or mental.

And thats where organizing life comes in. Oddly, its become a trend that I choose Fridays to be my “cheat” days where I become in sync with Pandora’s “Easy Listening” channel. On the day the NSA receives the most telecommunication traffic data from cell phones to hang out (self note: big deal the last 2 weeks), I remove myself from the social network and fuel myself for the weekend activities. Its almost an adage that the” best times are often shared,” but equally important are my sacred “me” moments – the uninterrupted hours of calm, meditative moments where thoughts, ideas, and emotions ebb and flow.


At 9pm, I wrapped up whatever masterpiece, foolishness, or junk that I had concocted this evening, and a friend gchats me.

“Good Night Old Man Jeffrey..”

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